The I.T.T., Siemens
and Robert Bosch Organisations
of FuG 139 modulator receiver
139 modulator-transmitter
This is
a quite interesting report, dealing with subjects of which most of you hardly
might have heard of.
Once investigated shortly after German
surrendered. Hence, all had been inspected still quite briefly!
Some Keywords:
Elektra; Sonne; Mond; Knickebein; Erika; Goldwever;
Hermine; Dr. Goldmann; Dr. Kramar; When Goldmann left Siemens in December 1937
Goldmann was sent to the USA to take part in development at I.T.& T. .. ;
Elektra ..Prof. von Handel of DVL ..; dirct indicating SWR meter herewith
showing that such device wasn't exclusively invented in the US; A switch circuit
avoided the change of load on keying and was developed and patented by Dr.
Hoffmann ... ; Erika developed by Dr. Goldmann in 1941 ... Dr. Pfister had
indicated the limits of accuracy ..; line goniometer; Komet .. installed in
Denmark; .. Dr. Neidhardt ... ; Wullenwever .. ; Hermine "talking beacon"
; Goldsonne; .. The standard Lorenz Adcocks all used 6 mast system stated to
habe been extracted from a british patent, to enable enlarger spacings ... ; Dr.
Schellhoss's C.R.D.F made by Schwarzer automatic line-up of a Watson-Watt type
DF receiver ... (NVK?); Seitstrahl ..Victoria .. T. von Hautville... ; Plans are
in hand for a new EGON B???? ..; Falkenstein ... FuG 139 "Time Modulation" a
selective calling system ... Pulse Width 1 - 2 µs, ; KAWAN anti jamming circuit
as to counter Benito jamming ..; time-pulse-modulation was done at
Siemens, Telefunken, Lornz Dr. Jenimal at Munich and LMT/Lyon; .. FuG 120a ..;
Stuttgart Fu 03 10-channel decimeter communication equipment .. Lorenz ..
wave-length 21-24 cm 220 sets were built and all were supplied to the Army
(Heer) .. ; Robert Bosch self-healing capacitor properties